Romania Industry

Cladirea Romaneasca S.A.

Order No. 24-29-1860
Share of 500 Lei
Bucharest 1920
printed by Litografia Cartea Romaneasca, Bucuresti
Coupons and Talon
Size approx. 186x352 mm
1 Piece VF 14,- Euro
Foto Example

Cladiri si Drumuri S.A.

Order No. 24-29-1883
20 Shares of 10000 lei each
Bucharest 29.05.1947
Issued 50
Complete Couponsheet and Talon
Size approx. 212x297 mm
1 Piece EF- 18,- Euro
Foto Example

Order No. 24-29-1884
100 Shares of 10000 lei each
Bucharest 29.05.1947
Issued 90
Complete Couponsheet and Talon
Size approx. 212x298 mm
1 Piece EF- 18,- Euro
Foto Example

Concordia, Soc. Anonoma Romana Pentru Industria Petrolului / Concordia, Soc. Anonnyme Roumaine pour l'Industrie du Pétrole

Order No. 24-29-3292
Share of 250 lei
Bucharest 10.08.1920
printed by J. Verschueren, Anvers
Coupons and Talon
1 Piece VF 3,- Euro
Foto Example(Part)

Order No. 24-29-3294
Share of 250 lei
Bucharest 30.06.1923
Issued 420000
printed by J. Verschueren, Anvers
Coupons and Talon
1 Piece VF 3,- Euro
Foto Example(Part)

Foraj Lemoine S.A. Romana pe Actiuni / Forage Lemoine S.A. Roumaine par Actions

Order No. 24-29-3289
Share of 500 lei
Ploesti 1924
printed by J. Verschueren, Anvers
Coupons and Talon
1 Piece VF+ 3,- Euro
Foto Example

Order No. 24-29-3290
Share of 500 lei
Ploesti 1926
Issued 220000
printed by Imprimerie Ch. Desoer, Liége
Coupons and Talon
1 Piece EF- 3,- Euro
Foto Example

Ilie Floasiu

Order No. 24-29-3799
Share of 1000 lei each
Sibiu 1937
double sheet
printed by Tip. Vestemean, Sibiu
Size approx. 348x246 mm
1 Piece VF+ 9,- Euro
Foto Example

Order No. 24-29-3800
5 Shares of 1000 lei each
Sibiu 1937
double sheet
printed by Tip. Vestemean, Sibiu
Size approx. 348x246 mm
1 Piece VF+ 9,- Euro
Foto Example

Soc. Textila Franco-Romana fost Philip Birman & Fiu

Order No. 24-29-1861
Parte Beneficiara
Bucharest 1924
Issued 9000
printed by Taranu & Co, Bucuresti
Size approx. 282x188 mm
1 Piece VF+ 9,- Euro
Foto Example

Steaua Romana, Soc. Anonima pentru Industria Petroleului / Etoile Roumaine, Soc. Anonyme pour l'Industrie du Pétrole

Order No. 24-29-3298
Share of 500 lei
Bucharest 6.1926
printed by Vieillemard, Paris
Coupons and Talon
1 Piece VF 3,- Euro
Foto Example

Tesatoria Romana

Order No. 24-29-2671
20 Shares of 500 lei each
Bucharest 1928
printed by Imprimerie de la Cote Libre, Bruxelles
Coupons and Talon
Size approx. 363x260 mm
1 Piece VF+ 12,- Euro
Foto Example

Uzinele de Fier si Dominiile din Resita S.A. / Aciéries et Domaines de Resita S.A.

Order No. 24-29-3374
Share Provisional Certificate of 500 lei each
Bucharest 02.1946
printed by Imprimeria Nationala
Complete Couponsheet
Size approx. 170x195 mm
1 Piece EF 9,- Euro
Foto Example

Order No. 24-29-1872
10 Shares Provisional Certificate of 500 lei each
Bucharest 02.1946
printed by Imprimeria Nationala
Complete Couponsheet
Size approx. 170x195 mm
1 Piece EF 9,- Euro
Foto Example

Order No. 24-29-3373
100 Shares Provisional Certificate of 500 lei each
Bucharest 02.1946
printed by Imprimeria Nationala
Complete Couponsheet
Size approx. 171x196 mm
1 Piece EF 10,- Euro
Foto Example

Zarojani S.A. Pentru Industrii Agricole

Order No. 24-29-1854
10 Shares of 500 lei each
printed by Litografia Eminescu
Coupons and Talon
Size approx. 265x435 mm
1 Piece VF+ 14,- Euro
Foto Example(Part)

Order No. 24-29-1855
5 Shares of 500 lei each
printed by Litografia Eminescu
Coupons and Talon
Size approx. 265x437 mm
1 Piece VF+ 14,- Euro
Foto Example(Part)

Sidus Comp. Pétrolière Franco-Roumaine

Order No. 24-29-2412
Share of 250 francs each
Paris 15.06.1921
Issued 20000
printed by Imprimerie Lafayette, Paris
Size approx. 308x208 mm
1 Piece VF+ 4,- Euro
Foto Example

Soc. Générale de Sucreries et Raffineries en Roumaine

Order No. 24-29-1718
Action de jouissance No. 11060
Brussels 1899
Issued 18000 Hole cancelled
printed by Imprimerie Industrielle et Financière S.A., Bruxelles
Size approx. 310x212 mm
1 Piece VF 7,- Euro
Foto Example


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